Humans of Halls #1
我在Morrison Hall 上莊之後,認識了很多其他住Hall的人。 我發現原來我Swire Hall 的對莊 Angus 就是我的labmate! 我們很快就做了朋友,而藉此也認識了不少來自Swire Hall的同學。我真的很欣賞他們的Hall spirit,他們會一起盡力去達成他們的共同目標。我希望我可以把這個精神帶到我們hall新成立的Hockey team。 Being an executive committee member of Hall Students’ Association allowed me to know lots of students living in other halls. I was surprised that my ‘labmate’ Angus was my ‘dui jong’, which means being the same post of different Hall Students’ Associations. We became friends quickly and by this chance, I was able to meet some students from Swire Hall. I really appreciate their Hall spirit. They cooperate and work hard to achieve common goals in order to strive for the best with glory to their hall. I hope I can transfer the spirit to the newly-established hockey team of my Hall.